Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In a funk

I think I'm in a funk. I don't know why. I should be excited about the 5 pounds I have recently lost, but for some reason I don't really feel it. Maybe it's because I'm sitting on my butt all day not really doing anything besides "research" and browsing the internet, blogs, and WW. I think I might go for a walk and see if that will help get me out of this blah mood. Plus, walking will not only ease my way into working out again, but it will also give me something to do that does not consist of sitting and staring at the computer screen.

When y'all are in a funk what do you do? Any special tricks or tips? I'm hoping this walk will do the trick!

Till later, peace out~


  1. I do walks too when I get into funky mode.

    I also often "make-myself" do things - like go to the gym and eat right for the sake of future me who is not in a funk - if that makes any sense at all?

    5 pounds is super awesome - keep up the great work!

  2. Go for a walk and listen to some great music. Gets your mind out of that fog.

    Hope you are feeling better today.

  3. Did walking work? Usually shopping works really well for me - I don't have to buy anything, but looking at (and trying on) all that stuff that I can now (or soon) fit into is a great motivation!

    You lost 5 pounds, just think about it and how good it is! :)
